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About Us

Hello everyone!

We are Nikki and Lisa. We are two Dutch girls who are going to Australia for our Wiswex for school. Wiswex is a program that we do for our bilingual education to get better in English and eventually get our IB-exam. 

Maybe you are asking: why Australia? Well, Australia is a really beautiful country. Yes, it lays on the other side of the world, but when you get the opportunity to go to the country, you just can't say no. So our journey to Australia begins. We fly on the 13th of April and come back on the 3rd of May. We both are very thrilled to go there. A bit nervous, because it will only be the two of us, but still super excited!



Something about Nikki

(age, hobbies, sports, what did she like about Australia)












Hey, I am Lisa!

I am just like Nikki a seventeen-year-old girl who is going to/went on an amazing trip to Australia. It always has been a dream to go to Australia, and when I (we) had the opportunity to go there for our Wiswex, I just could not believe it. I want to travel, like many others, the world and learn about new cultures and languages. This is my first time outside Europe and I am very excited to share my experiences with you guys. 

My hobbies are reading, writing, fantasizing/dreaming, dancing, playing the guitar and photography. Furthermore, I play volleyball. Not that I am any good, but I still enjoy doing it. 

I love going on an adventure and I am pretty outgoing, and going to Australia is a big adventure and I am ready for it. 


I hope you will enjoy our journey to Australia and, of course, enjoy our blog.

If you have any questions for us you can contact us down below.





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